The First Year

Friday, April 9, 2010

Waiting Impatiently

Posted by Braden

So getting a mission call is great! Waiting for your report date is terrible! Everybody said it was going to be so hard to focus on school after I got my call. It hasn't been too rough for me to stay focused . . . it's school—we've been in school for 14 years now. It's just going to kill me to have to wait two more months! I don't want to study baroque composers; I want to go sit in on a Russian class! I don't want to be designing fan parts on CAD systems; I want to be memorizing scriptures and discussions! I don't want to be in mission prep; I . . . oh wait, that class DOES feel relevant to my next two years! (It really is a rather wonderful class.) But man, am I excited to do nothing for 12 weeks but study Russian and the discussions! How fun! (I know you can't hear the lack of sarcasm in my voice just now, but really, I'm so stoked!)

Along those same lines, though, today at the temple, I walked by a district of missionaries on their way out, and they looked young! How in the world are these boys old enough or prepared enough to go out and teach for two years on their own with no adult supervision?! And some of them really ARE younger than me, since I had my 19th birthday a few months ago. Missionaries are going to look only younger and younger to me until the day I die. It's like how I remember being in second grade, looking up (literally) to the sixth graders. When I was finally a sixth grader, I didn't feel that big. Same thing happened in high school, looking at how much farther along in life/school seniors were than I. When I was finally a senior, I still felt young and not all that ready to go be "completely independent" (thank goodness I still don't really have to be). And now I'm in college, a soon-to-be missionary, and yep, I still feel young.

I wonder at what age I'll finally feel OLD?


ldsjaneite said...

Ha ha. Yes, I know how it feels to look up to the missionaries and then suddenly seeing them look young. Really young. But I still feel young, too. I only feel old when other people do something to remind me of the vast gap between us.

Mission-Wear said...

What age will you start feeling old? 28.

Well that's true for me anyway. I taught Deacons after my mission and now they're all going on missions, I'm suddenly feeling like life is flying by.

I shared your feelings of excitement and enthusiasm once my call came and with that much "fire in your belly" you'll be a great missionary.

19 is a perfect age to go, the Lord can really work miracles for you.

Have a great two years! Work hard, pray hard.
