The First Year

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Time Shift

Posted by Braden

I had a 7 a.m. statics final today . . . it was painful. The "statics final" part was fun--only about an hour, no big surprises, and not too difficult; the "7 a.m." part was sheer pain. It meant I had to wake up at 6:15. I've only done that one other time this semester (for a church meeting) and it hurt then too.

Back home, 6:15 would have been sleeping in. And it's not like I'm just getting lazy either--on a college campus, you just shift your life back a few hours. At 7 a.m., there's nobody outside, and at 11 p.m., everybody is still awake. This time shift is particularly unfortunate when you add to it the fact that my family is in a time zone two hours after me. So I wake up two hours later than them, 8:00 instead of 6:00, and then they're also two hours beyond that because of the time zones. That means if I want to call them before they go to bed at night, I need to do it before 10 their time, which is 8 my time, which is a good 5 hours before the time I typically go to bed!

The first night I'm home, I don't know how I'm going to get to sleep at the same time they all do . . .

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