Every night since Aug. 29, I have recorded the time as I went to bed. At last, I get to see the results of my efforts!
My mean bedtime for the four-month period was 1:08 a.m., with a standard deviation of approximately 1.5 hours. The earliest time was 10:22 p.m. on Dec. 16, and the latest time was 5:50 a.m. on Dec. 26. Time spent while in bed before falling asleep was always negligible (always <10 minutes, and usually <5 minutes).
Looking at the chart that displays times by day, it appears that the time of getting into bed was the lowest on Sunday, and increased until Friday, which typically gave the week it's latest time. Saturday I went to bed at a relatively early time, since Sunday begins at midnight as far as I'm concerned. And on Sunday it all started over again.
Four weeks into the semester, I stopped attending my 8 a.m. health class on MW, so my MWF started at 11:30, and TTh started at 8:00. Interestingly, this doesn't appear to show at all on my bedtimes. Tuesday and Thursday do both have later averages than the preceding days, but that may just be following the weekly trend of later times as the week progresses.
I'll continue keeping track of my times until the end of Winter semester as well to see if this overall gradual trend from a midnight average time to a 2 a.m. average time will reoccur; or if now that I'm at a 2 a.m. time, I'll remain there; or if I'll delay two more hours with a final average time of 4 a.m.; or none of the above.
Click on a graph here to see it in greater detail.

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