The First Year

Thursday, September 3, 2009

The Sheer Volume of People

Posted by Elise

Oh my goodness! It has been such a busy week I haven't even had time to post anything!

The most shocking part of this whole college thing is just the size of it! Yes, the campus is huge and the buildings and classes are bigger. You could go all day without running into someone you know on campus (which definitely never happened in high school.) It feels weird not to know all the people you walk by, or even all the people in your class. I've met so many people in the past week that I'm sure I'll never see again; BYU is just so big!

Today I went to the top of the Kimball Tower during those ten minutes when everyone is headed to their next class. Wow. That was exciting to see all those buildings and all those people. I'm sure it was just like Karl Maeser's vision of the university's future . . . well maybe not quite like that, but that's what it made me think of.

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