The First Year

Thursday, January 21, 2010

(Not) Hungry? Why (Not) Wait?

Posted by Braden

It has taken a while to transition, but at last I think I've made the change: I no longer eat at mealtime, I eat whenever I'm hungry.

It's a big change. At home I couldn't raid the kitchen whenever I felt like it, because I was going to "spoil my dinner." Not only that, if one kid gets to snack whenever he feels like it, then all the kids in the family can—and that would be chaotic. Furthermore, at home I didn't have those delicious, homemade frozen burritos to fall back on whenever I was hungry.

I started first semester eating at somewhat set times, but I have since digressed. Yesterday, for example, I wasn't hungry when I woke up, so I didn't eat breakfast. I had class until 2 p.m., after which I came home and had a mega-meal (roughly equivalent to 1.67 meals in mass), followed by a regular-sized meal at 10 p.m. night and a .33-of-a-meal-sized snack around 12:30 a.m. I'm still getting three meals a day—I'm just not quite so picky about the shape, size, or order they come in. I'll eat when I'm hungry and not a moment before!

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