The First Year

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

They Did! They Did Call Me on a Mission!

Posted by Braden

Our ward had its first mission call opening today!

A boy came knocking on our door, and my roommate answered.

"Hey, it's almost 6:30--make sure you get downstairs in time!"

"For what?"

"Eric is opening his mission call."

"Guys! Guys! We gotta go downstairs! Eric's opening his mission call!"

And so it went throughout both halls in our ward. There were probably about 75 kids in our lobby by the time Eric opened the letter. He had both sets of grandparents on cell phones, his family at home on another phone, and the kid next to him had Eric's camera, turned to "video."

He opened it up and read those lines we've all heard but a lot of us have never heard in context as it's happening...

"Dear Elder Smith, You are hereby called to serve as a missionary for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. You are assigned to serve in the Charlotte, North Carolina Mission."

And then nobody can hear anything after that because of the cheers, whoops, hollers, clapping, squealing, etc.

It was extremely exciting! It's so fun to think that we're going to get to have dozens more of those moments before the school year is over! It really made at least me want to say, "School can wait--I'm turning in my papers tomorrow!" But then reason kicks in and I remember all the reasons why I have to wait a few more months yet. It was still fun to watch. :)

1 comment:

ldsjaneite said...

That was one of my favorite parts of Freshman year and living in the dorms. I loved hearing all of those mission calls. And Charlotte is the mission just south of me.