The First Year

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

My Side of the Story

Posted by Elise

Ha ha! OK who wants to hear my side of the story?

In our apartment we always use the back door, so it took until noon to discover the door with all the note cards. I walked into the lobby to screaming girls: my roommate and a few friends. They all attack me as soon as they see me. “Look at the door Elise!!!! Its for you!! Oh my gosh!”

So I start out with the sudoku, and of course I’m flustered and have to start over once or twice before I finally figure it out. Oh, and just as a side note, there was a little confusion because my roommate is also named Elise and nothing on the door specified which Elise, so . . . we had to guess based on some of the words on the door. The Fibonacci sequence was the clincher.

My roommate (the other Elise) said, “OK, I have no idea what that even means, so it must be for you.” Then we had to pull out the laptop to look up the Fibonacci sequence, because no one wanted to do that much math. And of course we find all the right note cards and, ta-da!

But here’s the problem: at this point, I had 40 minutes until chemistry and Braden is in that class! I wanted to have a creative response and there was no way I could throw it together in time. So I had to just pretend that I hadn’t seen the door yet and act like I had no idea anything was up. That was SOOO tough!

So then I ran home and got to work. Any girl who’s ever had a creative ask knows the pressure of having to respond creatively and quickly. The Rubik’s Cube was actually my mom’s idea. The spy code words (random phrases about jailbirds or something) were my roommate’s idea. Good thing my other roommate (Daniele) works in the library. And of course peanut butter was a must. And . . . I don’t know where the Russian war book came in, but why not?

All in all, it was crazy and, of course, really fun!

1 comment:

Keeley said...

I can't believe the amazing amount of effort you both put into it! Wow! Hope you have a great time. =)