The First Year

Friday, October 2, 2009


Posted by Sarah

Last weekend something really bad happened at home. My brother got hurt completely unnecessarily and I got a phone call Sunday after church telling me about it. I am one of the most protective people I know and I abhor not being able to help people when things like that happen. Even if the only thing I could do was give him a hug to make him feel better, I would have served my purpose but being 2,500 miles away, there's nothing I can do. I envy everyone who can get in a car and drive home for the weekend. I would willingly drive for hours to be able to see my family. I have enough money for a plane ticket, but my mom would kill me if I missed classes, and going back for just the weekend would only make me feel worse. So I'm stuck between the infamous rock and hard place.

Not to mention the fact that I did horribly on all my tests this week. The math involved in the major I chose is way too difficult, so I think I'm going to end up changing majors here pretty quick. I'm thinking maybe art history.


ldsjaneite said...

Totally hear you about feeling terrible about not getting to go home as easily as so many others. Thanksgivings were rough. A few years later I wasn't able to go home for Christmases either. Some of the hardest times ever for me, but I did also learn to make a lot of friends and get to know their families.

Keeley said...

Oh I'm so so sorry to hear about your brother! I hope he recovers well.

And I'm so sorry to hear about your difficult tests. If it makes you feel any better, the first semester at college is always the worst until you adjust to the extra workload...then it's pretty much smooth sailing after that. honest. =D

I hope you're able to find a major that you really love.