The First Year

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Organization of Work

Posted by Laura

As the semester has rolled on, I have found that I have to organize my time. I have the planner from new student orientation which has been great!

In high school, I always had a planner but I never really wrote anything in it ever. I just decided that it was in my mind and that I would have reminders about the big events. But for college, I look to that planner everyday for upcoming events and due dates.

For me, a planner really is essential when it comes to college. I have it set up that all of my tests are in color: yellow is the time bracket that the test runs to, and red is the actual time that I am planning on taking it. I have gone through each syllabus and written down all of the assignments and projects that are due this semester. Some of my professors don't give a reminder about assignment due dates, so it has been crucial to have all of my class assignments recorded in a format that I wont miss anything.

In the few years before I started college, I would always ask my sister at BYU either on the phone or in person if she is done with her homework so we could plan something fun together. More than once I actually got the reply, "I always have homework that I could be doing."

In my adolescent head I thought there has to be an end, you can't ALWAYS have homework that you can be doing. But even in this first half of a semester, I have learned quickly that I was very wrong. After you finish the assignment, there is reading or studying or some extra effort that you could put in for each class, and as time goes on you will never really be done. College definitely always keeps you busy.

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