The First Year

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Fake Spring

Posted by Braden

The other day I walked around campus in shorts, a T-shirt, and flip flops. It was February. February is supposed to be cold and windy and miserable!

Instead, I saw boys shovel off the last bit of snow from the basketball court to start shooting hoops, and the newly uncovered sand volleyball court was once again being used! Students went outside voluntarily to study, and not once all day did I see a heavy coat being worn!

It's like the weather is taunting us . . . it's luring us into a false sense of security that spring is finally here, and then BAM! It's going to dump a few feet on us. I just know it is! And I'll be mentally ready for it, because I know it's coming!

In the meantime though . . . why waste perfectly good spring weather? Tomorrow is going to be another T-shirt day!

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