The First Year

Monday, August 31, 2009

First Day of Class

Posted by Sarah

I got up at 6:30 to go to my 8:00 class after I stayed up half the night because I ate one too many of the doughnuts I brought home from work that morning. (Note to self: not such a good plan.) As soon as I stepped outside, though, I was wide awake. It was so cold! I almost miss Florida. I got to my Chem class; yes, I do realize I'm crazy for taking chemistry at 8 every morning, and we didn't even blow anything up! Dr. Asplund said we would tomorrow though. That just means I get an opportunity to take a picture. End of School. Aren't Tuesdays great? For the rest of the day I just kinda wandered around. Maybe I should start my homework . . .

1 comment:

Keeley said...

8am is a fabulous time to take Chemistry. =)

I can imagine the cold. It gets worse. Invest in some uber thermal underwear. =D